Japanese robot hurls net at suspected intruders


T-34 is a security robot that throws nets over intruders. The security robot was developed jointly by robot maker tmsuk Co Ltd. and Alacom Co Ltd. The remote-operated prototype robot T-34 moves at up to 10 km/hr speeds at the direction of an authorized individual with a linked mobile phone. If T-34’s sensors detect anything wrong in an office building or warehouse, the operator can see what T-34 sees in real time. The T-34 security robot can launch a net at intruders, incapacitating them until police arrive.

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Dilbert and surveillance in the workplace

Ladies Weapons by Antonio Riello

via Hoardmag

‘Design and Futures Thinking’ by James King

The MRI Steak: The Meat of Tomorrow

Nanofilter: Fossil from a Nanotech future

‘Design and Futures Thinking’ by James King (designer)

Check out his presentation here

Dressing The Meat of Tomorrow

There is a real technology that allows us to take a small sample of animal tissue and encourage it to grow, separate from the original animal’s body, to form a piece of ediblemeat. Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr, who are two artists working with this technology call this food “disembodied cuisine”, but is also known as Lab-meat, Semi-Living Meat, In-Vitro Cultured Meat, and perhaps most importantly for vegetarians: Victimless Meat.

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